Culture change process

While all companies are unique, there is a general process that can be followed to evolve culture.
We use a “Flywheel” process to build momentum and embed lasting change.
It begins with Leadership alignment around your intention. You then begin practicing the change, generating visible wins, and building momentum. Over time, the change reaches into all parts of the business and business processes, and the culture change gets embedded, and this is “how we do things around here”.
Our beliefs
We believe culture is a capability.
There are 3 foundations to this capability.
A model
to define culture

A process
to evolve culture

Organizational enablers
to sustain culture

Shaping culture is a management and leadership skill. It can be coached and embedded in an organization, no different from other business drivers like strategy, brand building, or innovation. Many organizations (e.g. Southwest Airlines) have built their competitive advantage on a cultural capability.
While culture is leader led, it is people driven; it is the responsibility of all. How leaders grasp the capability of culture is critical to the collective experience.