Culture transformation

from culture audits to full culture re-design

Most organizations start their culture journey with a pressing problem: speed of decision-making, a bolder mindset, retention of talent, eroding engagement. Behind these is a behavioral disconnect. We work to diagnose that disconnection then design a program that aligns new behaviors and signals to achieve the desired goal. 

A culture transformation is an end-to-end project from the audit through scaled implementation to measurement and continuation.

These projects will typically contain the following steps:

Our audit will show you the gaps and opportunities with your culture: what’s core to your identity and what isn’t; where is there clarity and agreement and where is there divergence? We map the responses of the leadership with your colleagues to produce a clear picture. From this we suggest the required behaviors needed and what might be holding them back. We build agreement to the gaps, the opportunity and the path forward.

Behaviors persist when there are strong signals to keep them in place. We help the leadership team plan which of the signals to establish, when, and how. We work specifically on the areas of role modelling and communication – two critical leadership contributions to successfully embed any cultural change.

We design and deliver experiential sessions across the organization to kick-start and establish new behaviors. This is about inspiring and motivating your workforce. We work with your Culture Champions to train them in sustaining, measuring and celebrating the change in their teams. 

It’s one thing to measure, and another thing for leadership to use the data to constantly improve the roll-out. Measurement is another of the important signals that demonstrates your intention to make change permanent. Regular feedback loops are essential for establishing progress.

On-going support for leaders, teams and Culture Champions is available.

Difference Makers & Culture Champions
Culture thought leadership

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